Saturday, April 17, 2010

theft at the tractor supply store

I swear every time I think the world is a great place I get a sampling of the opposite. today some douche bag stole my wallet. it only had 24 dollars in it so basically they sold their soul for 24 bucks. I can't believe it. well, I mean I can because a couple of years ago I lost my cell phone and some guy like 40 miles away said it bought it in a yard sale and wanted to know if I wanted it back. meh. so now on monday I will begin the horrible task of getting replacements for my drivers license, both maddy and my social security card, my insurance cards. my nursing license, and whatever else was in there. sigh. I'll just have to rely on karma to take care of this.


  1. That sucks! :( Hope things get back in order without much trouble...

  2. That does bite! But you're right, karma will take care of it.

    Hope your weekend gets better...

  3. How very upsetting and unfair to have to do through that.
    Kind regards, Carole.

  4. Ouch! Actually, I'm thinking 'expletive deleted' right now because low-lifes like that tend to get my ire up. Hope Karma helps!


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