Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Vladurday!!

Here you go. Happy Vladurday. Thought I'd amuse myself since the Gators are losing.


this morning a little before 2 I finished. yes, I crossed the finish line of NaNoWriMo with 50022 words verified. my word count was 2 words different but who is quibbling over 2 words. it was a fun month. I wrote everyday except for the days I was sick with rotavirus of death. my characters talked to me and did all sorts of romantic, funny frightening and evil things. I was in heaven. now all I need to do is finish my ms and my follow up to Life in Moonlight will be complete. or at least the first draft. so YAY! I'll definitely do it again next year. it's kind of like the triathlon bug. you train, you do it and then you have the bug!
I want to celebrate my experience. in  December I am having two fantastic author interviews and giveaways. The first starts next sunday so stay is going to be fun and the swag is great. plus you get to find out about some terrific authors!!
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