Friday, August 21, 2009

yay serotonin!!

I have a tshirt from the awesome cloth moth clothing with that written on it. I have just about worn it out.the neck is worn out. I just love the whole idea of it. actually I love serotonin. today I needed a huge dose of it because my effexor just wasn't keeping it flowing in my brain. damn chemicals!
today I took my daughter to meet her teacher and I felt like I was going to the last choice sorority on bid day. that sounds ridiculous but I think I was more disappointed than she was. I knew the other mothers were with their happy kids who got their first choice for teacher. however my child didn't make it to the pref of her choice and get a bid from the house of her choice. she is too young to understand and see that but I do. maybe I am putting too much into social relationships or whatever but I still do not understand how classes were chosen and how some kids got their choices and mine didn't. now she is stuck in a class with kids she doesn't know that well and all of her friends are in another class. it's like the 2000 election all over again. I wanted al gore and got stuck with that other guy.
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