Thursday, April 28, 2011

the only antidote to a zany scheme is an even ZANIER scheme!

so now I will pass on the honor of the Stylish Blogger award. part of this is that I must reveal seven things about myself. although this might be difficult because I pretty much tell y'all everything. but here goes.
1)I'm terrified of heights
2)despite my brash, comical exterior I am a tender heart underneath (if you tell anyone I'll beat your ass)
3)If I ever met any of my super crushes, I would turn into a tongue tied teen.
4)I'll never stop lovin my first true love. okay so you know this but some might not.
5)I can change my own tires and oil
6)I would rather watch cartoon than reality TV
7)I will sing and loudly I might add any song I love in my car no matter who's in it with me
And now to pass it on:
1) Tiffany's Bookshelf
2)The Word is My Oyster
3)From Sarah, With Joy
4)Two Nerdy History Girls
5)Chronicles of a Novice Writer
6)Supernatural Smut
go and do good!

Thanks, y'all!

yeah that's probably good advice but the best advice would be don't go to a body piercer who would need that kind of advice. just sayin.
I'm so happy! I got 2 blog awards!!!! I am so honored and overwhelmed.
the first was this lovely award from A Storybook World hosted by author and brilliant illustrator  Dierdra Eden Coppel
seriously, I was happy/flabbergasted when I saw her comment! it was so nice for someone to drop in and give me such a lovely award! it was like she "got" what I do here. go see her blog and follow! it's awesome!!!
the second award was from my hilarious friend in blogging Steve Bossenberger over at El Blog de Steve he and I think a lot alike and if I lived anywhere near him, I'd never get anything done because we'd be discussing all the things he writes about along with some of my gems. anyway, the Boss awarded me The Stylish Blogger Award!
I love this award and love that a like minded peer gave it to me! like minded all except for the Gators and we'll just have to over look that. I will do my fact revealing and passing this award on in a later post but I just wanted to say thanks!
THANKS Boss and Dierdra!!!You guys rock!
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