Tuesday, July 21, 2009


for my super rockin 40th(read loads of sarcasm) I didn't get any of the things I wanted. not even the soda drink hat. my girls tiffany and stefanie tried for AR but it didn't happen. I will have to be happy with stefanie's attempt to channel him and tiffany sending me an AR bumper sticker on fb. still waiting on an agent though. waiting patiently and with an eager heart. my super editor dorrie is working on my ms as we speak so I am not worried.

old age and treachery rocks

yesterday, old age and treachery overcame youth at the blood mobile. my hemoglobin was the only heme high enough to donate.my 40 year old 14.4 smashed their 18 year old 11.whatever. it was great. and i finished my donation in 7 minutes giving me time to haul ass over to my class. however, pulling 400 ml of whole blood off of me and the fast walking across campus did a serious number on me. I was completely fluid depleted and felt like poo the rest of the afternoon. so maybe my super heme was only super heme because I was dehydrated. since I only drink amp, cokes and unsweet tea, this is entirely possible.
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