Tuesday, March 23, 2010

when in doubt, dream about AR

the reason I wrote that is because last night I dreamed about sitting at a table in a restaurant next to AR and he ate a grilled cheese sandwich and apple pie. I didn't speak to him or anything. although I did do the girl gasp when I saw it was him. you know which one. by some miracle I got him to sign the t shirt I was wearing too. I know what he ate because someone in the dream asked me what he ate and I told them. some how I doubt that he eats that but who knows. maybe. it sounds good to me.
I have been mired in rewrites and edits and the like.they're done for now(yay) and I am thinking about my next WIP which might kick the sequel to Prim off to the side. I got the idea for this after having a heated discussion about university fund raising with a friend. then, like a lightening bolt, it hit me. I got so excited! I wrote down all the rough points but then drew a blank on where to set the dang thing without having big people mad at me. I figured it out and my new characters are already talking to me. exciting! I might actually write something that my mom would read. I mean, she'd read prim because she's my mom but when I ran the quick synopsis by her she said she'd read it. she also now thinks that I was truly a madam in a past life.

1 comment:

  1. My mom would look at me, almost getting cross-eyed, at some of the things I'd pop out with. But, most of the time she had it right, much as I hated to admit it. Write on!


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