Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Using what you know to write scenes

As a writer,sometimes it is quite difficult to find the emotions to write certain scenes. most of the time we pull from real life. I know I have several times. but lately while struggling through writing the third installment of The Primigenio Tales, I have discovered that I've had to scratch the surface on some old wounds. fortunately this scratching has yielded the perfect emotions for writing difficult scenes and plotting painful issues between characters. one thing I often rely on is music because it triggers emotions and memories. the other day this song came up on my iPod. 945 songs and this came up and it tore at me. now granted I'm already feeling pretty fragile with things around here but this song kicked me while I was down and the words just poured out while the feeling was fresh. I love this song and for the longest time I thought it had been written for me and my life. fortunately I found it wasn't but it still provided the inspiration to write. it's an old song from way back in the day when I was a young Kappa Delta with a broken heart. and it kept popping back into my life with the source of my heartbreak. :( but now it is just a song that gives me inspiration to write emotionally difficult scenes. have a listen. and enjoy the nod back to 80s fashion.


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