Tuesday, November 24, 2009

zombie nazis are the worst kinds of nazis

so today I watched a zombie movie called Dod Sno (Dead Snow). it's about norwegian med students and nazi zombies. I know how it sounds but it was actually pretty good.it scared me because these damn zombies could run and had some sort of intelligence. I have this weird paranoia about zombies that developed after I read World War Z. now with every outbreak I think oh no!it's happening! anyway, so I watch this movie and think I have the dvd case hidden but some how maddy finds it and says nazis!zombie nazis!oh no!mommy those are the worst kinds of nazis. it was so funny. her super serious voice and big wide brown eyes. she was convinced that the movie was a documentary.
all in all it was a cool movie if you dig zombies. just don't let your over dramatic kid find the dvd case.
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