Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I love you but I'm not in love with you

don't you just loooove how subjective the search for an agent is? it's really fascinating. but I suppose it is just a representation(lol) of how everyone has different tastes. in a way, agents are mind readers and soothsayers. they are gauging what an editor is going to like or not like and then sort through their slush to find just that thing. I don't envy their job. they are eternally dating. they are in search for the manuscript that they fall in love with so they can parade it all around and defend it or build it up when it is taking a hit. I myself hate dating so that is another reason I wouldn't want their job. but they must because each day they put on their date night undies and dig through the slush.  they are optimists. good for them. keep up the good work all of you out there! all that "dating" will pay off.


  1. Years ago this gal, Susan, said she was tired of hot hunks and said she was going to date the most unattractive guy she could find. Well, she found him. But he was so excited a gal actually paid attention to him that he started paying attention to himself and turned into this incredible god no one had noticed before...oh, did I say he really did have a super personality? Really interested others?We gals were sooo meow jealous. Maybe Susan became an agent??

  2. ...way to kill my dreams of becoming one...*sniffs*...optimism...

    Eh, I love books, and it's all for when I've reached the retirement age but don't want to quit anyway. Guess it isn't crushed.

    ...though considering the way my love life is, I should be an editor...


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