Sunday, May 16, 2010

hey guess what was on my property today?!?!

yes that's right. this morning on my walkway was a 4 foot frigging python! King Kitty was sitting staring it down. it had curled up in some sort of defensive pose I guess. anyway, I called my brother and he picked it up(much to the cat's chagrin) and put it over the property fence. our neighbors grow aquatic vegetation so maybe the trespasser  will be happy there. but DAMN. A PYTHON?!?! I know they are turning up all over south florida but this isn't south florida and that is the second one I have come across in like a year. the first was very small and my dad hacked it to bits so I really couldn't ID it.
here's the weird thing... at work yesterday we were talking at length about snakes on our property. black snake this rattlesnake that. we must have spent like 30 minutes talking about it and then this morning, one appears in plain sight. kind of cosmic. next time I go to work we're talking about Sam Neill, Alan Rickman or a Papa John's pizza with everything on it. mainly Sam Neill.

1 comment:

  1. A python, damn! I appreciate the fact that snakes eat bugs, but other than that, I flat don't like 'em. Nasty things!


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