Sunday, May 30, 2010

contests contests contests

the picture has nothing to do with my post but did you know that famous phrase was coined at the university of florida, my alma mater? yeah, a kid in the audience heckling one of the accent program speakers uttered the phrase right before well, they tased him. anyhoo. gatorade and don't tase me bro.there you go.

what I'm wondering is how many people enter writing contests. I myself enter them. right now I'm in 5. lol. that seems like a bunch when I write it but there it is. mainly I enter for the critiques and the opportunity to get my work out there. one contest that I won got me a full submission with the awesome Claire Eddy at Tor. I've heard people say that writing contests were rip offs and wastes of time but I disagree. I'm just wondering about the rest of you out there. what do you think about writing contests?


  1. I've only ever entered two contests for my writings. One I'm still waiting to hear on. That'll happen next month. Good luck with your entries!

  2. Yeah, I've entered a bunch--did pretty well in one, tanked in the rest, LOL! It's so subjective!

  3. A wonderful place to practice your skills, even if it is a scam.

  4. I've never entered one, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. As carole said, anything that allows you to hone your writing skills can't be bad. Good luck.

  5. Just wanted to say that I gave you and others a shout-out on my blog today.


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