Saturday, December 5, 2009

the end of an era

I've been sad this week. today was the peak of my sadness. my beloved gators lost. I'm sad about that because it is the end of Tim Tebow's career as a gator. Timmy is a true epic human being. he is everything thing he says he is. he gives his all for his school, his team, his family and his faith and to me that is magical in these days and times. so many people are using the gator's loss to shred Tim and denounce him as being a fake and declare themselves gator haters. this is just a sad day for people and sports. I would not want to take delight in kicking someone when they were down. I don't want to be proud to be a hater of anything. I certainly am not going to laugh at a 22 year kid who is emotional and not afraid to show it. I'm proud that he believes that a man afraid to cry is not a man. so this is the end of the tebow era at UF. it's just one end that I am dealing with. sometimes change is very sad. both of the changes I am sad about are good things for the people. I'm overjoyed for that.
Good luck Timmy!You are my hero!Good luck to the other. Nerds rock!


  1. Even tho I'm an LSU grad...and cringed when Tim threw the ball...I have to admit that, unlike Tiger who really dropped the ball, Tim's a very positive role model...and I wish him every success...and it's a testament to his strong character that he's leaving behind such loyal supporters...but, it's time, he's got to fly the university nest and move on....

  2. Thanks Kittie!your comments always make me smile!!


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